Canine Team Training

Located in Southern Illinois  -

Dog Agility, Nose/Scent Work & Obedience Training

Positive Training Methods Used!

Instructor - Carol Ely

Over 20 years of Professional Dog Training.


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Agility Class Information Below 

It's okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our teachers - they help us to learn. John Bradshaw

Location - De Soto, IL

Agility Yard in DeSoto, IL

One of the first Agility Classes

     MACH Abby Toy Poodle


Magique Rescue Mini Poodle       


Gypsy Standard Poodle

Mr. B and Annie - In Tandem Jumping

Mr. B and Annie Border Collies

Lauren Ecker & Scout - Team USA Medium JOAWC represented the agility community & United States of America in Belgium at the JOAWC Junior Open Agility World Championship 2024.

Congratulations Lauren Ecker & Scout

Rescue Ricky Border Collie 2024

Mr. B Finalist at the Border Collie National Specialty 2024. 2nd place and Double Q with both 1st place.

Annie Oakley

Dog Agility Training - Beginner (Level 1)


Requirement – Some prior obedience training (self taught or class training) and control of your dog, around other dogs, Dog must be 8 months or older. If not full grown for the breed of the dog, they will not be jumped repeatedly, their bones are not done growing. Young dogs can still learn the other agility equipment. Level 1 is on Leash for the first half, the second half will have some individual off leash time. This class introduces the handling basics, and agility equipment introduction. If there are any cancellations due to the weather, additional classes will be added.

Liability release req. to be signed before training.  First meeting with dog. Shot records due first class. Bring dog, toys, treats, water bowl and water for both of you and clean up bags for your dog.  Before starting first session please go to "Student Info" link at the top of this page and print the information needed.

No dogs in season allowed - handler can attend and practice at home what was missed in class.

All classes are held outside on grass, so dress appropriately.

Come 15 minutes early to potty dog and fill out paperwork.


New Group Classes start in March, June & September of every year.


Location: 204 Candlewood Dr., De Soto, IL -

Outside on grass, 100' x120' fenced in area.


Sign up early, there is a limit to the number of students per class.


2025 Spring Session Beginner Classes - 2 sessions to pick from -


Starts Sunday - Weekend Afternoon Class

February 23rd (6 sessions) 3:00 pm

Weather permitting last class on April 13th

No classes – March 9th or April 6th


Starts Tuesday - Weekday/Daytime Class

February 25th (6 sessions) 1:30 pm

Weather permitting last class on April 1st

Fee  $100, 6 sessions


All Schedules are Weather Permitting

This class is not offered through the college.

To register and save a training spot- send me an email that includes your full name, Dogs name, breed and your phone number.

If you have questions, please contact Instructor: Carol Ely

email –



Dog Agility Training -

Intermediate (Level 2/3)


Beginner Level 1 or equivalent experience and control of your dog,

Dog must be able to do 3 -4 obstacles in a sequence without stopping.

Also, A Frame & Dog Walk. 

We will continue to work with the teeter and weaves.

Req. Level 1 or equivalent experience & instructor approval.

Dogs must be 12 months or older.

Liability release req. to be signed.

First class Bring - shot records, dog, toys, treats, Potty Bags, water & bowl.

Questions email Carol.

All classes are held outside on grass, so dress appropriately. Before first class go to web site link above at "Student Info" for more required information see link at the top of this page and print the information needed, or come 15 min early to fill out paperwork.

Fee payable to instructor first night of class.

Location: 204 Candlewood Dr., De Soto, IL- travel on private gravel road, 2nd house on left.

 Level 2 & 3 will continue to work towards proper management of agility equipment for both the handler and dog with the goal to achieve accuracy with speed.

 Liability release req. to be signed before training. First meeting with dog. Shot records due first class. Bring dog, toys, treats, water bowl water for both of you and clean up bags for your dog.


Min. of 3 students required to make a group class.

45 Min. 3 students (Min.), 1 hr for 4 or more Students

(6 students 1 1/2 hrs. each week)

  Location: De Soto, IL - Outside on grass, fenced in area.


Sign up early, there is a limit to the number of students per class.


2025 Spring Session Level 2/3 -

Starts Sunday February 23rd (6 sessions) 4:30 pm

Weather permitting last class on April 13th

No classes – March 9th or April 6th

Fee  $100, 6 sessions

All Schedules are Weather Permitting

To sign up for this class, please email Instructor-

 Carol Ely email –


Dog Agility Training -

Advanced/Competition (Level 4)

Req. Level 2/3 or equivalent experience & instructor approval.

Dogs must be 12 months or older.

Liability release req. to be signed.

First class - shot records, dog, toys, treats, water & bowl. Questions call Carol 618-867-3023. All classes are held outside on grass, so dress appropriately. See web site link above "Student Info" for more required information. or come 15 min early to fill out paperwork. fee payable to instructor first night of class.

Location: 204 Candlewood Dr., De Soto, IL- travel on private gravel road, 2nd house on left.


We will continue to work towards proper management of agility equipment for both the handler and dog with the goal to achieve accuracy with speed. More advanced handling methods will be introduced with lots of practice sequences on recreated show trial courses. Also to be covered - what to expect at a real trial, how to fill out an entry form, how to be a volunteer and help set up equipment at a trial.

 Liability release req. to be signed before training. First meeting with dog. Shot records due first class if you are a new student. Bring dog, toys, treats, water bowl water for both of you and clean up bags for your dog. Before starting first session please go to "Student Info" link at the top of this page and print the information needed.


  Location: De Soto, IL - Outside on grass, fenced in area.

Advanced Agility - Schedule Weather Permitting


Sign up early, there is a limit to the number of students per class.


45 Min. 3 students (Min.), 1 hr for 4-5 Students,

6 or more 1 1/2 hrs. per week

All Agility Classes are located at: 204 Candlewood Dr., DeSoto, IL 62924


Spring 2025 Advanced Agility-

 Starts Monday March 17th, 5:30 pm

No class – April 14th

Weather permitting last class April 28th

No class on the 2nd Monday of the month,

due to Crab Orchard Kennel Club Meeting night.

Fee  $100, 6 sessions

All Schedules are Weather Permitting


 Classes will be filled by first received email request.

To sign up for this class, please contact Instructor-

 Carol Ely  email –


Dog Agility Private Sessions – 

Liability release req. to be signed before training. First session is with dog. Shot records due first session.

Before starting first session please go to "Student Info" link at the top of this page and print the information for Private Training Sessions.

Arrive at least 10-15 min before your session time to potty your dog and setup your training bag (toys, treats & water). To first session bring paperwork, payment, dog, toys, treats, water bowl, water for both of you and clean up bags for your dog.

Call instructor Carol Ely to setup a time 618-867-3023 or email  –

Location: De Soto, IL All classes are held outside


We are a team!

 © 2010- to current year, Carol Ely, Canine Team

All Drawings, photos and information requires permission to use.